Team Gym

team gym 2

This discipline is based around Floor, Tumbling and Trampette/Vault in teams of up to 12 gymnasts.

All members must compete on the Floor and 6 members of the team must perform in each run of the Tumble and trampette.

Competitive groups can train anywhere between 5-14 hours a week depending on level and age.

Teams can be made up of all women, all men or mixed gymnasts.

Team Gym Structure

Team Gym Development - Find out more

Mixed 5-6 years old - Find out more

Mixed Team Gym Transition 7-8 years old - Find out more

Women’s Team Gym Regional 9-14 years old - Find out more

Mixed Team Gym Regional Micro 9-14 years old - Find out more

Women’s National Youth Team Gym 10-14 years old - Find out more

Women’s National Junior Team Gym 14-17 years old - Find out more

Women’s Regional Junior Team Gym 14-17 years old - Find out more

Mixed Seniors Gym 18+ years old - Find out more


Member AGM Registration